September 29, 2012

26 week update

Last week I had my regular midwife appointment and today I had my ultrasound and perinatology appointment.  These appointments are fun and stressful all at the same time.  I love seeing our baby girl at all of these ultrasounds.  I never had ultrasounds past 20 weeks with Ariy so its fun to be able to see her grow and start to look like a real baby.  At the same time, the perinatologist who is basically a high risk OB, works exclusively with women who have high risk or potentially high risk pregnancies.  This can really range but I know some women go there and get really bad news.  Today as I was waiting for my ride to pick me up, a young mom, I am guessing around 26 weeks as well came out crying.  I didn't hear much of her conversation other than that she was being sent over to the hospital.  It can just be stressful.  I am thankful that so far me and baby look really good (minus the whole cervix issue - update below).

How many weeks pregnant: 26 weeks on Sunday
Weight gain:  7 - 10 lbs.  The weird yet depressing phenomenon has been my weight going down or staying the same since being on bed rest.  All this really means is I am losing muscle which makes me sad.
Cravings: I don't know if this counts because I do have a strong affinity for all things fall but I have been very excited lately about anything pumpkin including cookies, lattes, cake, bagels, etc.
Food aversions:  Still not feeling mexican food.  
Boy or girl:  Baby girl!!  She currently weighs 1 lb 11 oz and is in the 40% for weight at this gestation.  I didn't even know those charts existed for this age (before birth).
Wearing maternity clothes:  oh yeah.  I actually put all my maternity clothes in one of my dresser drawers and I live out of that one drawer.  Honestly, I rarely change my clothes unless I get to go on a big outing like to the doctors!!
Overall thoughts/Updates: I found out today that my cervix is still shortening (effacing).  It was as low as a 1.5cm during the ultrasound.  I went in knowing this would be the case.  My body is very sensitive and getting up and down too much triggers a lot of pre-term labor symptoms which equals Not Good.  Yesterday I just did too much and I knew it; while in process of doing too much I knew it.  You may be thinking, well "why do you get up then?"  I don't know.  All I know is this has been very difficult for me. I know I am stubborn and I realize I am putting this baby at risk but for whatever reason I have a hard time stopping myself and letting anyone else stop me (except for Rick usually). This is probably one of the hardest things I have had to deal with for some time  and I know in the long run I will look back and say that really wasn't that bad.  I don't know why exactly it is so hard for me but emotionally I am like a major rollercoaster right now.  

I am still feeling good about where we are going but prayer is definitely a welcome activity.  The next two weeks I am in bed, no getting out except to pee and poop pretty much.  My short term goal is 28 weeks so I just need to chill out and hand over control until then.  Ariy will be ok, my marriage will be ok, this baby will be ok.  Once we hit 28 weeks the likelihood of her survival goes way up and we can breath just a little more.  

Thank you all who have prayed and just supported us during this time.  I have needed every phone call, text, visitor, mail, nail polish, books and encouragement that I have been given.  Thank you!!!  

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