August 14, 2011

Transitions: A working mama

Tomorrow starts a bit of a new chapter.  I have been extremely blessed to enjoy and spend time with Ariy during my Maternity leave.  It has been about 4 months since I have worked.  That is just crazy!  I have really loved my time at home and have undoubtatly faced this transition with a little fear.  I actually woke up, wide awake a couple nights ago with a list of all my crazy fears in going back to work.  They might surprise you.

  • Do they really think I can still do my job?  I kind of feel like I should be re-interviewed.  This just seems crazy.
  • How many majors does George Fox have?  How many students does George Fox have?  Recent questions people have asked that I seriously had to stop and think about.
  • How do a query something? How do I change my voicemail?
  • Dress pants?  What?  Will I be able to get them buttoned? Where are they?
  • Do I have shoes that fit my feet anymore?  Is being barefoot an option?
  • If people didn't notice the "Stacey" bags under my eyes before I'm sure they will notice them now.  Make-up lesson on how to cover these bad boys up?
  • Maybe TMI (does that mean too much information? shoot, I'm not even cool anymore) but what if I forget to wear nursing pads during a presentation?
  • On a more serious note, will Ariy forget who I am?  Will I miss important milestones?  Will Rick get tired for recording every single moment of the day for me?  Will he return all my 100's of texts I will be sending (while simultaneously getting ALL my work done)?
So, I guess I am a bit nervous.  I think it is safe to say out loud, if circumstances were different, I would choose to stay home with my little boy.  I love my time with him and want to be a part of his young and constantly changing and growing life.   However, at this time in our life, we are thankful for this job. And, if I had to go back to any job, it would be this one.  I have been blessed with probably the best office anyone could ever have.  Everyone I work with is a superstar and I don't doubt I will be supported, encouraged, distracted (in a good way), challenged and entertained every day.  This will certainly help this daunting transition.  


  1. Christine! It will be hard, but I will be praying for you. You're little guy will only be that much more excited to see every afternoon when you get home! And so will Ariy!

  2. You can do it!! I bet it will be like riding a'll start spouting off all these random GFU facts during a CV and not know what happened. And I'm sure Ariy will be very excited to see you every day after work. =) Good luck!

  3. Miss you Christine and am excited to have you back tomorrow. Do you think Ariy could fit under your desk? After all, they did let me have a fish. :)We are ready to support you however we can.
