July 26, 2012

2nd Trimester Update: week 16

I follow a fair amount of blogs and I have to say I definitely get sucked in by the mommy blogs but I do like this quick and easy way to document the pregnancy.  As expected, I have not been documenting every week with this pregnancy.  I have yet to even take a picture of my pregnancy belly.  I do want to document at least a little so I have something to remember and so if baby #2 is ever interested, I actually have memories to share.  I hope to do this a few more times over the course of this pregnancy.

How many weeks pregnant: 16 weeks.
Weight gain:  About 4 or 5 lbs 
Cravings:  I haven't had a lot of cravings, mostly food aversions but because of the aversions on the days that NOTHING sounds good, I have only wanted bread and potatoes and salt. 
Food aversions:  Chicken (mostly grilled), mexican food and eggs have been the big ones.  These came on strong at the end of the 1st trimester (seems a little late?) and have lingered since.  I am getting back into eating eggs once in a while but mostly these three items are still not the most appetizing. 
How are you feeling:  Mostly great.  With Ariy there was a lot going on and I was working full time.  Based on my own memory (not always super reliable), I do feel this pregnancy is a lot easier.  I had about 4 weeks of feeling really tired in the beginning but mostly I have had decent energy and no morning sickness.  I have had weird symptoms like excess saliva and the need to chew gum all day long but not to the extreme this time of carrying around a spit cup (I know Rick was relieved).
Boy or girl:  We have scheduled the ultrasound for August 23rd.  I will be going alone and I am so torn about finding out right then and there (Rick seems to think he doesn't care if I know first) or to try and do some surprise for him or the both of us.  Ideas, let me know.  I have to say,  I am still picturing a girl and hoping for a girl but I am working on trying to get excited about two little boys and the madness that would bring.
Wearing maternity clothes:  Yes and no.  I definitely can't button my pants without being very uncomfortable so I am going strong with the little elastic trick.  I have started wearing maternity clothes mostly because of comfort and being in the stage where regular clothes just make me look like I have a little belly and not so much a baby belly.  
Overall thoughts/Updates:  I am anxious to find out the gender which I think will help this all to feel even more real.  It is so weird that long periods of time goes by where I realize I totally forgot I was pregnant.  I kind of don't like that feeling.  After much research, talking with friends and encouragement from my midwife, I have decided to attempt a VBAC as I really believe it is the healthiest decision for myself and baby.  My other hope is to go natural again, this time not so much to prove to myself I can do it (my big motivating factor last time) but because my labor was so quick last time I would rather have it move quickly along and not let an epidural stall any progress.  I was only in labor (before pushing) for about 6.5 hours.  The practice I go to really encourages VBACs to at least labor as long as possible without medication or to have none at all.  As a VBAC, they won't do anything to induce or push labor along like pitocin or even breaking my water (this one is a little up for debate but they would rather not) and sometimes an epidural can bring on more interventions so if it is 6.5 hours or less, I think I can get through it.  My other big hope is that I do not need to be induced because ultimately, if they want to get the baby out (induce) I will have a c-section.  I would love to just go into labor on my own and experience what that is like.  That is my big hope and prayer.  

July 14, 2012

2nd trimester and a new home

As of July 1st, we became Portland dwellers. We are sharing a home with my close relative Dodgie. He is basically like another grandfather to Ariy so Ariy has LOVED being able to see him every day. Our hope is that in about a year or maybe less, we can save up and be ready to buy a home. We are very thankful that Dodgie has graciously opened our house to our busy family and support us in our goals.

As for baby #2, we are getting excited but I think it is still surreal. I am about 15 weeks along and am thankful to be in the second trimester. I have to be thankful because all in all I have had a very easy pregnancy but I am happy to see a few weird symptoms slowly go away. Again, I have had lots and lots of saliva. Soooo gross and caused me to chew gum like it was my job. That has mostly stopped. Lots of food aversions. With ariy I ate eggs every day and meat and protein was no problem. It was until this week that I took the leap and successfully made some eggs and ate them. I also ate chicken this week. Mostly, I have wanted bread and French friends. Pretty much the healthiest diet you can imagine.

I am happy that despite the not so good diet, I am healthy. I have been able to stay pretty active. I've gained a total of 5 lbs in the last three months and my belly is definitely starting to look like a prego belly. My blood pressure is great so far which was the issue at the end of my pregnancy with Ariy. At this point, things look great. One thing that has been very uplifting about this pregnancy is my care. I was able to see a midwife with my last pregnancy and I was able to labor that way I wished and besides having a csection, I enjoyed my labor and delivery experience. However, having a fresh perspective and new midwife has shown me that it can even be better. I have had a lot to process given the stress of my last pregnancy and start the decision making process of how I hope to see this pregnancy go. I am so thankful to be with a midwife and practice that really supports me and who believes first and foremost, how things play out and the decisions we make is always my decision in the end. I think last time, there was a lot of fear and pressure and although those things may come into play, I believe that this time, they will remind me of my octopus and the ability to say no. Even with my care at this point, there is no pressure to come in every 2 to 4 weeks right now. I am very healthy and I can wait until the next needed appointment which is around 20 weeks. It's nice to be able to stretch things out and feel confident that I am doing good thus far. Our next appointment is August 23rd and it is also when we can find out the gender. I plan on having them write it down and finding out later. I want to do something easy but creative...if you have any suggestions let me know.

Finally, Ariy is getting more and more of a personality every day. We now live with a cat and somehow Ariy decided that when you ask "what does a cat say"? He responds with not a sound but by scrunching his nose. I just think it is so funny. Not a great video but you get the idea. In the video he is standing at the top of the stairs looking down to where the kitty lives.