I follow a fair amount of blogs and I have to say I definitely
get sucked in by the mommy blogs but I do like this quick and easy way to
document the pregnancy. As expected, I have not been documenting every
week with this pregnancy. I have yet to even take a picture of my
pregnancy belly. I do want to document at least a little so I have
something to remember and so if baby #2 is ever interested, I actually have
memories to share. I hope to do this a few more times over the course of
this pregnancy.
How many weeks pregnant: 16 weeks.
Weight gain: About 4 or 5 lbs
Cravings: I haven't had a lot of cravings, mostly
food aversions but because of the aversions on the days that NOTHING sounds
good, I have only wanted bread and potatoes and salt.
Food aversions: Chicken
(mostly grilled), mexican food and eggs have been the big ones. These
came on strong at the end of the 1st trimester (seems a little late?) and have
lingered since. I am getting back into eating eggs once in a while but mostly
these three items are still not the most appetizing.
How are you feeling: Mostly great.
With Ariy there was a lot going on and I was working full time.
Based on my own memory (not always super reliable), I do feel this
pregnancy is a lot easier. I had about 4 weeks of feeling really tired in
the beginning but mostly I have had decent energy and no morning sickness.
I have had weird symptoms like excess saliva and the need to chew gum all
day long but not to the extreme this time of carrying around a spit cup (I know
Rick was relieved).
Boy or girl: We
have scheduled the ultrasound for August 23rd. I will be going alone and
I am so torn about finding out right then and there (Rick seems to think he
doesn't care if I know first) or to try and do some surprise for him or the
both of us. Ideas, let me know. I have to say, I am still
picturing a girl and hoping for a girl but I am working on trying to get
excited about two little boys and the madness that would bring.
Wearing maternity clothes: Yes and
no. I definitely can't button my pants without being very uncomfortable
so I am going strong with the little elastic trick. I have started
wearing maternity clothes mostly because of comfort and being in the stage
where regular clothes just make me look like I have a little belly and not so
much a baby belly.
Overall thoughts/Updates: I
am anxious to find out the gender which I think will help this all to feel even
more real. It is so weird that long periods of time goes by where I
realize I totally forgot I was pregnant. I kind of don't like that
feeling. After much research, talking with friends and encouragement from
my midwife, I have decided to attempt a VBAC as I really believe it is the
healthiest decision for myself and baby. My other hope is to go natural
again, this time not so much to prove to myself I can do it (my big motivating
factor last time) but because my labor was so quick last time I would rather
have it move quickly along and not let an epidural stall any progress. I
was only in labor (before pushing) for about 6.5 hours. The practice I go
to really encourages VBACs to at least labor as long as possible without
medication or to have none at all. As a VBAC, they won't do anything to
induce or push labor along like pitocin or even breaking my water (this one is
a little up for debate but they would rather not) and sometimes an epidural can
bring on more interventions so if it is 6.5 hours or less, I think I can get
through it. My other big hope is that I do not need to be induced because
ultimately, if they want to get the baby out (induce) I will have a c-section.
I would love to just go into labor on my own and experience what that is
like. That is my big hope and prayer.