I am not the most dedicated blogger as you can see. Kind of a bummer because my favorite blogs are the ones I can count on to be updated every few days. I enjoy seeing the new pictures or stories. I am apparently disappointing myself. I also struggle with material but I have decided that since the pregnancy is now officially public, I may start writing about my experiences and thoughts on the matter. This has been something I have looked forward to most of my life. I went through many baby dolls growing up. One cried so much I gave it back to my mom and said I was "too stressed out." Another one's head fell off while I was nurturing it. These experiences never left me disheartened though. In fact, I am optimistic my baby will be soothed by me (of course I expect crying!) and more importantly, that it's head will not fall off. I count that a success already. Looking forward to the many adventures that await us through this pregnancy and when this little one appears.
At the present moment I am stuck in bed, as I have been since yesterday afternoon, with a stinky cold. I am trying the rest-as-much-as-possible method to hopefully heal fully and quickly. I am shooting for tomorrow morning since we have friends staying with us.
That's all for now. I promise another one soon...definitely an update on our first visit to the doctors on Sept. 7th.